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History of Salumi -カラブリアのサラミの歴史-













The origins of pig breeding are lost in the beginning of times: the pig has always been one of the animals most appreciated by men. In Italy especially, the use of pork meat salted and processed into salami and other charcuterie products has a very ancient tradition.


In the beginning, animals were reared just to satisfy the needs of the family or of the village. Then in Etruscan times the first forms of non-nomadic breeding developed, along with a higher degree of specialization in meat processing, aimed not only at family consumption but also at trading. It is in this period that the concept of charcuterie products was first born.


Pork thigh meat progressively became to be considered the most valuable part. The continuous improvement of the pig-breeding techniques led to an increased quality of raw materials, and more advanced meat-processing methods. The ancestor of nowadays “prosciutto” became the most precious product obtained from the pork, and the main delicacy of every banquet and celebration, to the point that in the Middle Ages preserved meat products were even used as monetary currency.


In the Renaissance period pig-breeding and meat-processing became increasingly specialized professions. The figure of the “norcino” (pork butcher) makes its appearance and progressively gains social importance as a highly-specialized professional.


Their activity, however, was seasonal in that pigs were slaughtered once a year and there were yet no techniques for fresh meat preservation. They used to leave their cities (Norcia, Cascia, Florence and Rome) at the beginning of October and return home towards the end of March, going back to their daily occupations.


It is with the modern times and the industrial revolution that the heritage of the “norcino” has been handed down to artisans first, and then after the Second World War to the food industry, which preserving ancient recipes and creating innovative products contributed to spreading delicious Italian Salumi around the world.

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